10 Websites, 100 dollars per article & Tips
1)Medium - a popular platform that allows writers to publish their work and earn money through the Medium Partner Program.
2)HubPages - a revenue-sharing website that allows writers to earn money through advertisements on their articles.
3)Listverse - a website that pays writers to create top 10 lists on various topics.
4)A List Apart - a website that pays writers for well-written and informative articles on web design, development, and user experience.
5)Tuts+ - a website that pays writers for tutorials and articles on design, development, and creative topics.
6)SitePoint - a website that pays writers for articles on web development, design, and business.
7)Writers Weekly - a website that pays writers for articles on writing and publishing.
8)Smashing Magazine - a website that pays writers for articles on web design and development.
9)Funds for Writers - a website that pays writers for articles on writing and earning a living as a writer.
10)The Penny Hoarder - a website that pays writers for articles on personal finance and ways to make money.
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